Reader 05/07/2024 (Tue) 13:36 Id: b24f12 No.22537 del
(255.56 KB 1179x1476 he's right you know.jpg)
He's right.
All wars are banker wars.
US dollar is being ditched for trade globally after the US was robbed of it's future,
=(insolvent debt creation & outright looting with massive governmental expenditures).
Get the white middle class European dolts to fight and die in Ukraine.
Get the white middle class American dolts to fight and die in the Middle East.
Replace the white middle class dolts who had their pensions & savings robbed with third world illegal migrants.
Great Reset, new totalitarian world order without Whites to make anything great again,
=(a new world with feudalism 2.0, CBDC technocracy and despotism all run by criminal backstabbing scumbags).