Reader 05/07/2024 (Tue) 21:31 Id: f87e5a No.22538 del
White European and American "dolts" where the ones, the masses, who allowed all this to happen. Not only are the few of us awake incapable of stopping any of this, the majority of us are brainwashed and going along with the program enthusiastically. By that I mean all Caucasians who don't belong to the tribe. We outnumber (((them))) yet they're winning. They can blatantly commit genocide right out in the open and fuck-all is done about it. That's the ultimate spitting in our eyes. Just goading us to stop them from their mass murders. We don't. We won't. We'll do absolutely nothing anymore besides tell each other about it.

As each day encroaches, I believe the 'ashes and echoes' demoralizer spammer from 8chan ever more.