Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 18:38 Id: fea48d No.7735 del
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Ladilok from the time I first saw her, has been the strongest single being I've been able to measure the enlightenment level of.

I don't know about the Queen/Illivryn, I just can't see what kind of power level she has. She may be way stronger, same for Santa Muerte, in terms of actual effective influence, but in terms of direct concentrated achievement internally, I think Ladilok is still the top.

I've kept trying to reach that same structure as I've seen her having. I contacted her and asked for guidance, but she said she was busy and gave me a daughter of her to work with instead. The daughter kept just saying there is structurally no difference between what Ladilok has, and what I have at the bodhisattva level. But there obviously is a difference in achievement.

Things reflect down into lower planes, causing them to look the same as their higher version. Things existing on the astral haven't necessarily broken through into 3D. Things take much longer time than expected, for way less than expected.

At least I have now done the basics.