Sunflower 05/19/2024 (Sun) 22:42 Id: fea48d No.7836 del
Of course, this is what Blog is about.

I wish blogging for real was actually possible anymore, but zoomer Internet has killed blogging. Wordpress is now filled with little merchants inserting their capitalism between every click of a button.

"Choose your payment plan to continue"

in mini text hidden in the bottom corner:
"or click here to continue using the free SHIT version with ads for Ukrainian whores (they also do vacuum-cleaning and sort your kitchen utensils) and online workspace tools littered across your screen"

Internet was bad before 2012, when the world was supposed to end first time around. Then it got worse after, but we still had search engines which knew about Boolean and gave 100 results per page with no ads. Post covid Internet is fucking worse than the 1996 version in terms of usability. The only thing that's better today is download speed and the amount of stuff that's been uploaded. Things that the constructors of this current iteration doesn't want us to have in the first place.

If the 90s were hell in their own way, this new version of hell is just unimaginable from the old view. How did they fuck things up so badly? I thought by the early 2000s we'd have digital currency and we'd pay using a card or a watch that is connected to a digital wallet, same system used world wide and backed by solid institutions guaranteeing safety and a stable economy for all future. By the 2010s robots would do all the work and we'd return to a kind of modern artistic kind of human who lives and thinks naturally and primitively in a high tech setting, focusing on the immaterial because all material problems are solved.

What did we get?
Fucking USAian housing market crash, Iphone with the dumbest users to ever make it online. A constant ongoing media circus stirring up trouble all over the world with scare mongering about imaginary "terror". Wars. Lies. Megacorporations killing all inventions and all the fun.

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