Joy the DM 05/07/2024 (Tue) 20:17 No.4215 del
>You know I'm still a tupper of my Highly Sensitive Person

Yes, and whereas my headmates seem to crave hardcore rules, and I've read online about how many others also want permadeath, I do still recall a young Bear who refused to maim or kill his characters (me). So I can understand that this could be both unwanted, not fun and traumatic.

>that this party was assembled for a divine mission of great importance

>I'm not sure about the optimal way to handle this

As far as I'm concerned this is about fairness and I am very against cheese, like what Bear used to do with save-scumming in Rimworld, I didn't like it then and don't like it now. Nor would I allow Frodo-esque death scenes where he's not really in any real danger.

So if the characters can never die, that's probably too safe and if they have a chance to die pointlessly, I also don't like that and SheShe and I can argue about it but I'm the DM here.

The way I read it, after level 9, characters are very hard to kill and keep dead. We're mostly talking about level 1-4 getting harder to kill the higher the level and with Revivify at level 5, the fear of death would be far less.

>We would have to play for weeks IRL

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