
Type: Posting deletion


Board: news

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 13:30:19

User AdolfHitler deleted the following posts: 7264 from board /news/.

Type: Ban


Board: sp

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 18:23:30

User goatbro banned the posters of the following threads: 235247 from board /sp/ until Tue Mar 14 2023 18:23:30 GMT+0000 (UTC) with reason "CP link".

Type: Posting deletion


Board: sp

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 18:23:32

User goatbro deleted the following threads: 235247 from board /sp/.

Type: Report closures


Board: sp

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 18:23:54

User goatbro closed a report for post 235186 on thread 234211 on board /sp/ with the reason "NIGGER ANTI-ROUND EARTH DENIERS BAN THEM ALL"

Type: Report closures


Board: sp

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 18:23:54

User goatbro closed a report for post 235182 on thread 234211 on board /sp/ with the reason "antiflat earth apologists pls go"

Type: Report closures


Board: sp

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 18:23:54

User goatbro closed a report for post 235191 on thread 234211 on board /sp/ with the reason "guy himself is obviously a spic. ban"

Type: Posting deletion


Board: 4

Time: 03/14/2018 (Wed) 19:18:53

User czwarty deleted the following threads: 17600 and the following posts: 17601, 17602, 17603 from board /4/.