ITEM COND QUANT TOTAL PRICE HOBBY'S COMMENTS ----------------------------------------- TRADE GOODS N X 150 210 HANDLED SEPERATELY ALMS BOX N 1 30 30 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya full retail for it. BLOCK OF 10 INCENSE N 2 20 20 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya full retail for it. CENSER N 1 10 10 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya full retail for it. QUIVER N 1 10 9 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya .9 retail for it. DARTS N 10 5 9 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya .9 retail for it. RING OF SUFFERING F 2 3500 NB Hmm, I can't say I know what to do with these, I couldn't afford them if I did. COMPONENT POUCH G 2 4 2.4 This isn't something I normally stock, but I'll give ya .6 retail for it. SPELLBOOK G 1 1045 NB This looks like something you could sell at a Alchemist shop, you won't find a buyer here. STUDDED ARMOR G 1 450 270 Oooh, I'll buy these, but I can't give you 40% over retail, they'll just never sell, but in the future, take this to Linene Greywind at Lionshield Coster, she's been looking for weapons and armor, her collection was hit by bandits recently and we've not seen traders coming this way for a while. I'll be transferring these to her in the morning. I'll give you .6 since they're in good condition. STUDDED LEATHER GLOVES G 1 45 27 Same STUDDED LEATHER BOOTS G 1 45 27 Same FINE PLATED GLOVES G 1 250 150 Same FINE PLATED BOOTS G 1 500 300 Same FINE PLATED HELMET G 1 250 150 Same FINE CLOTHING G 2 400 360 I can't say many people need fine clothes out here but I'll honor our agreement, .9. WATERSKIN N 2 6 8.4 Yep, I can take these. BEDROLL N 1 10 14 No problems here. LONGBOW N 1 500 450 Wepons and Armor, that's Linene's business, but I'll be kind and transfer it to her for you. GLASS JAR N 2 20 28 Yep, this is a good one. DIVINATION BONES J 1 10 10 Huh, I'll take them but I don't know who will ever buy them. SALTED HERRING G 10 18 25.2 Mhm, good. DRIED MEAT N 3 3 4.2 Can't say no to this. ------------------------------------------- ROUGH AMETHYST J 4 4 4 Yep, we get these pretty often, precious gem ore trade well at exceptional ore prices. - New = 1.4x - Good = .9x - Fair = .62x - Patched = .1 (cannot be sold wholesale) - Scrap = .02 (raw ores and metals that aren't precious such as iron and steel, x5 for copper ore and other common ores and scrap, x25 for silver ore and other rare ores and scrap, x50 for gold and other exceptional ores and scrap) Recipet of SHARED Sales 1908.2 Silver Coins dispensed: 10 platinum 90 gold 8 silver 2 copper Couldn't buy: Rings of Suffering Spellbook Ashlet's share: 1/8th Ashley took 2 platinum, 4 gold but gave back 2 silver and 5 copper. Total coins given to Yulya: INCLUDING THE SUPPLIES (21 GOLD) 8 platinum 107 gold 10 silver 7 copper Ashley couldn't find thieves' tools here or a shield.