Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 17:28:29 No. 10 del
as such memes have two particularly beautiful applications, one of which being pseudo-cryptography, in which multiple layered meanings on a meme allow it to be used in different settings via posters or some such to communicate something about a place or group frequenting it, or as this piece seeks to explore for disseminating a trail to be followed, a notable example of which would be "with open gates" and its eclipsed but in many ways more skillfully executed with less opsec violations "cinder to cinder". memes can also be used to draw people insidiously into spaces where one may want them, in a twist upon the (also ancient) summerfag meme, what one ought to do is create a particularly innocuous seeming but also completely hilarious meme that leads exactly where one wishes such a thing to go, so in the case of /pol/ create something leading to their world view, /r9k/ effectively still uses pepe to this end with varying implications. the applications of memetics as being able to lead people without preaching is in and of itself an art that was lost to 8ch before it could even come to be due to the "meme magicians" who thought that ebola chan was real and the reason it worked had nothing to do with african paranoia at westerners as a whole being exacerbated but instead was because ebola-chan is "an egregore" suffice to say while an amusing and useful lie, when widely held as truth by the community crafting the memes that are supposed to in some way in the case of /pol/ resist social degeneration and the spread of islam into the west and into every european woman they can get their hands on's crotch, it prevents the spread of the idea, now thankfully for /pol/ trump has already figured this out and it is scaring the media, it is scaring the establishment. and they will do anything to shut him down as a result.