05/29/2024 (Wed) 01:57 No.3156 del
(31.31 KB 500x380 1667598894580181.jpg)
>i fucking hate this cunt, shes so smug and cringe

Man I knew a girl in my University that looked just like her. With perky tits but really skinny, just like Valenti.

I remember she invited me to be with her 1-on-1 once. I don't know where my mind was at when I said no to her. And she lived literally 4 minutes away from me in a street near mine too. Feel like I just let something good go and I didn't even know it.

She wasn't as toxic and as e-girl whore as Valenti though. It's so weird seeing that girl since she looks just like that girl I knew when I was in Uni.