Google ads click fraud. Software and Case Ivan 06/16/2021 (Wed) 14:55:43 No.1 del
The PPC advertising market is getting tougher. We want to show you how you can fight attacking, dumping, insidious competitors.

Important: We do not call for black methods of work, but our clients come to us to find solutions when click fraud has already occurred.

We try to help and restore balance in such situations.
Click fraud occurs with a competitor or several competitors.
Our program - Begemotik
What it does:

Clicks ads in search results. With in-depth settings of how to do it.
Imitates the behavior on the sites. With deep tuning
Creates a unique image of the user, uses server cookies to show the system that this is a real person with a natural behavior

View the basic manual of the program here:

And you can find the click manual describing the strategy here:

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