Anonymous 02/18/2021 (Thu) 16:14:08 No.2 del
Track Listings

0:00 - Intro
2:55 - Catholic High School Girls In Trouble Preview
4:40 - THX Bass Test
5:10 - Opening
9:30 - Hives "Hate To Say I Told You So"
13:00 - Seaman Filthy Fingers Segment #1
14:50 - Versus Commercial #1
17:20 - Blues Brothers Segment #1 / Meeting Nun
19:45 - 1-900-TALK-SHIT
21:30 - Seaman Filthy Fingers Segment #2
24:00 - Adam Sandler "Wasted"
28:30 - Dr. Phil Calls CaptainBlackbeard
31:20 - Blues Brothers Segment #2 / James Brown - Can You See The Light?
38:30 - My First Romance
40:20 - Seaman Filthy Fingers Segment #3

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