Anonymous 03/14/2023 (Tue) 16:54 Id: 2433a3 No.413 del
(529.03 KB 2016x2679 FjDTOf_VsAAk2er.jpg)
I will pick this coffee addicted sad cat.

One big happy Villa, right?

Wow! You made a really good friend then, to go visit them like that! Why don't you talk to them anymore?
So not to different from >>>/imouto/ or >>>/yuri/ then, for you.
Macross is a bit old, but I was watching 80's and 90's scifi anime with another internet friend, and we were really enjoying them. Things like Akira, or... basically anything made by Otomo Katsuhiro. I'm still working my way through Macross to get up to some of the newer parts of the series. But I also watch more modern, even seasonal anime, like Bocchi, or Chainsaw Man.
>how you feel about mobile games
I've played a few, like FGO and Girls Frontline. I think I've spent $200 on Genshin, because I really wanted Ei, and ShenHe. I don't spend money on it anymore, though.
The Cyberpunk anime was really great! And the game is equally really, really fun. If I could live in Night City, I would. Black Desert Online is still popular I see, do you spend a lot of time in it?
Do you go by a certain name to be recognized, too? What may I call you?
I go by Spectre, but some just shorten it to Spec.