Anonymous 04/19/2018 (Thu) 17:18:02 No.503 del
Who is the Fake Q? – AIM Truth Bits

Woe unto you who say “peace, peace” and reject the Word of God and The Son of God!

There will be no peace on the earth while you reject The King and The Son of Man.

You fight, accuse, destroy the earth and attack The Children of God and claim you are the light and you are knowledge. You dwell in iniquity and you reject The Prince of Peace.

God has ordained: There will no peace on the earth while you reject the Prince of Peace.

Your ambitions and plans shall come to naught. Your goals of a united world under new enlightment, guided by lying Spirits and esoteric knowledge shall come to nothing. It will be buried in the heap of nuclear destruction. Repent oh earth for God is going to bring destruction upon you for you have sought peace by your own earthly carnal means and have rejected the only Prince of Light and Truth that God hath offered.

The land lay waste while fools claim “Peace”.

The earth is barren and laid to waste and the creation cries-out for the Sons of God will resurrect in unity and the dry bones shall again produce flesh. The army of God shall raise from the ashes and The Beast and his armies shall perish in the plains of Armageddon. The Lord God Almighty has decreed.

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