Anonymous Board owner 05/25/2023 (Thu) 04:46 No.192 del
It would now be the 3rd year since we moved to and it only took less than a year to turn the place into reddit thanks to the new BO. I don't think it's worth celebrating but worth mentioning. That place was kept active and alive by at most 3-10 anons on a good day during the first few years. It's a reminder that even with a small community. When there's decent quality, discussions and content, it's enough to keep a place active. I'm not giving up on the idea on making this a temp home and setting up a site for us. I'm not going to let the idea of diapering board-tans, shitposting and the other shit that made julay/ fun die out.

On a related note, looking for opinions on what imageboard software you anons would prefer? We have lynxchan and vichan to choose from since those two seem to be the most popular. I already found a hosting provider and a domain registrar that accepts crypto so it this point I just need to start messing around with the IB software on a local machine.