Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 11:16 No.576 del
Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Luckily the person that is constantly updating the fanbox already uploads an updated collection on mega here
I still need to find my Pixiv scrape to see if I actually have any Gabrielnesyl related. I do have access to sixonesixone art but I need to organize that. I'll assume you don't want the sixonesixone art from furaffinity since that's still available and mostly furry. I should be able give you something in a week or two.
If the story was posted on adisc, abdlstoryforum, or dailydiapers, then you have a chance to find the story through waybackmachine if the story stayed long enough to be archived by the site. If it was posted on Deviantart, Wattpad or any website that required registration to view the story, then you wont have much luck finding it.
>I've also been having issues scraping 8moe
There's still a few threads I want to scrape before they 404 so I should be able to figure out something.

The deleted_works folder is just art that I noticed was missing when I double checked the artist to make sure I had scraped completely when I started hearing about Deviantart deleting accounts again.