Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:50 No.101657 del
It's ok guys. I'm here to save the day, or ruin it depending on how you feel about me personally.

Cewl. I miss you baby, let me know you're ok. But if you're still mad at me than fuck you and OD you ugly Kunt(I spelledKunt with a capital K to emphasis how much of a kunt she is) because as you know I only ever cared about our relationship and never actually cared about you as I am the most hardcore sociopath that ever hardcored his way into your life

As for Green girl... Behold my rage foul demon. I am a man of pure rage and I destroy everything I touch and right now I'm got my malicious fingers deep inside your skull and I am puppeting you and have been this entire time.
But now is the time for action, no more games, have at you!

I will save Cewl from the likes of you, or I will destroy herself, I haven't really thought about what I wanna do if I get back yet lol