Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 23:29 No.102941 del
Cewl is just a psycho who likes hanging out with other psychos and shit always gets weird between her and her close "friends". She's always had drama and more often than not it's just "Cewl got close with X, Cewl and X had a falling out, Cewl starts talking shit about X and X comes into the thread to talk shit back, they go back and forth until X gets bored and fucks off"
The only thing that's different this time around is that her friends that she pissed off managed to actually get under her skin this time. She's more addicted to the attention than she is the drugs at this point, don't worry, she'll be back. And we can all go back to degrading her and demanding that she share nudes until she manages to piss off someone new in a fun and exciting way.
Hopefully it's another BPD batman villain type but we'll see.