Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 18:52 No.103447 del
Our family use to get together at this isolated river during summertime. She used to stare at me but there was always alot of family and I didn't really know her. Plus she was ugly. One time my aunt brought her her Barbie Power Wheels but the battery had came out during the trip. The parking area was a fairly long walk and since I was the oldest she asked me to go get it. I was about halfway there when I heard her footsteps. I don't know what happened. We didn't say anything. Just went in the brush and fucked a few times. She couldn't walk so I went for the battery by myself. In their van I saw her backpack and went through it. That's when it hit me. Her OshKosh trainee bras were all stretched out from her tits. Yeah we'll call it larping.