Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 21:16 No.104438 del
I don't remember that much about it. I mean, it's not bad, I enjoyed it somewhat but I don't think there's anything very much notable about it; it's random middlebrow fiction from the '90s. It's kind of strange to me that this would be one of her favorite books. It's probably just something she read for school, which is the same reason I read it. Doesn't seem like something she'd pick up on her own. Honestly though, if this is one of someone's favorite books it's probably just because they haven't read very many. I can't think of anything specific from it that should appeal to her sensibilities in particular. If I remember correctly there is an underaged sex-scene or two, but that's not, like, a large part or focal point of the book or anything...