10/06/2024 (Sun) 05:45
>>104298Cewl, additionally a noose around the neck is still recommended because several things can go wrong with this method leading to survival. If the scene you're found in concerns you: secure a noose (preferably something thick like a bedsheet) that'll hold your ass one foot off the ground in a clear area (nothing but the noose to grab on to). Whatever drugs you use take at least double the amount you know knocks you out. Your body will fight to survive so the usual amount may be insufficient. Secure yourself to the noose, tight enough that you won't slip out. When the drugs start kicking in let your weight pull you down slowly. Stay calm, breath, think about why you're doing it. It's not the end. You'll come back a better person according to your criteria. Concentrate on retaining as much knowledge as your body drops. You should lose consciousness by now and enter that dark, cool place where you're reborn from. Don't tell anybody in anyway what you're planning. Because if you're interrupted you can just end up retarded and unable to successfully try this again. I hope all goes as you wish.