Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 18:54 No.105818 del
>a white woman filming herself getting harassed by men
lets just ignore the fact that it was honestly a mixed crowd of men and women and the women by far were more abusive
okay? we're forgetting it
do most women go to the hood wearing a mask while posing for their friend who's recording?
is feminism just absolving women of of any preventative action and encouraging people to mistreat them then crying when they do?
i bet a woman could just lay down and invite people to do anything to her then cry about the outcome and feminists would still uphold that as a perfect example for why they are right
Oh wait, that satanic witch maria already did that and kennedi even drew parallels to it in her garbage review.
Damn, sucks to be a woman i guess.
>black people saw a white woman acting funny with a camera and flocked to her because they wanted attention
totes agree, lets not act like it was misogynistic though, cool?
>thousands of women who like the film are also racist then shut the fuck up. but if you want to argue that then also shut the fuck up because you’re black.
like how mad are you that you type shut the fuck up twice within 50 characters hahah