Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 15:40 No.106057 del
RYM isn't an imageboard and all her former tripfag friends weren't posting on 4chan anymore when she befriended them afaik (her old schizo friend who came here to answer questions a few months ago corroborated that). I don't think you can say she knew what she was signing up for by using the site. Most people using it are normies. I assume she met Jae through RYM actually. And Empathchan is a walking dumpster fire whos one goal in life is to have attention at any cost including ruining her own life, so obviously you'd know you'd get harassed by being her friend. But Ken is sweet and shy and you wouldn't know she has a weird situation like this on her hands when meeting her.

Ultimately it was never proven that she selfposted. I don't see why she would have given her intense anxiety and hatred towards it all that led to her refusing to have an actual internet presence. We know that the first popularity she got came from Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile spamming her across 8chan when she was still a kid, ffs, then soon after that the /mu/fags latched onto her, then from there came Donatello posting her on r9k for the first time if you check the archive.