Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 03:03 No.106164 del
It really isn't, in fact, it's very specific. Even now R. Stevie Moore and Cleaners From Venus each only have one release with more than 1k ratings. Lucy has only one release with more than 500 ratings. But Kennedi had rated releases from all of these 4+ stars before Jae ever used rym or And then there's stuff like Psychic TV, Oppenheimer Analysis, Cold Cave, none of which are particularly popular but which Kennedi was known to be a fan of and had rated highly. This is all in addition to his two most played artists by far, John Maus and Ariel Pink, being what everyone knew were Kennedi's two favorite artists. And his was only created in late 2019, so this isn't stuff he was listening to before, or contemporaneously with Kennedi. But what really stands out here is just how little there is of anything that doesn't align with Kennedi's tastes. Any unique personality seems to be wholly absent. Seriously, if anyone else had a profile like this you guys would rightly call them a Ken skinwalker. It's so egregious.

And here's another thing, if you look through his early rates, you see that he started giving high ratings to a ton of Ken-core immediately after joining rym:,ss.d.rd/2

Most of his highly rated artists and releases are things that Ken had also previously rated highly. He droned her so hard that she's near the very top of his compatibility list:

And then in late 2020, after previously having displayed no evidence of interest in the form, shortly after Kennedi starts getting more into film and using letterboxd more, he himself starts rating a ton of films and later opens a letterboxd account.,ss.d/1
Amongst the earliest films he rates? Five stars for La Chinoise and The Mother and the Whore.

His film rates are largely the same as his music rates: droned and mirrored from Kennedi. If she rates something highly he rates it highly as well. And looking through the whole of his ratings, including the non-droned ones, you can't help but get the undeniable impression of someone who is frauding their taste, who is pretending to like certain things; there's just no coherence to many of his ratings, they don't fit together.

Anyway, at the time Kennedi stopped using rym he himself largely just stopped using it as well and instead began obsessively rating films on letterboxd like she was.

It's like this guy has almost no personality of his own and just mirrors Kennedi. Most of his supposed interests are things Kennedi was interested in before she even knew him.

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