Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 03:55 No.106176 del
He was still rating music throughout the entirety of Ken's break from RYM. There are a lot of similarities between their ratings, but not enough to say he's obsessed with her. His taste is nothing like hers if you ignore the generic bullshit every hipster with a synth likes and the Maus related stuff. He's nowhere near her on her own compatability chart, and her ranking at #9 on his isn't anything to write home about. He's seen way more movies than Ken, he was watching movies constantly when she was still watching them infrequently, and their movie taste is VERY different from hers from what I'm seeing. Most of his 5 stars Ken wouldn't touch with a 100 foot pole, and there are a LOT of them.
And look at this shit

With all that in mind, there are a few possible theories here.
>he's gay (99% chance especially with those Morrissey ratings)
>he made a RYM when they met (Discord? Instagram? Mausspace?)
>they became close friends sometime in the past year or two (San Francisco?)
>he's a simp stuck in the friendzone

For him to be a secret stalker all these years would take a lot of fucking effort and opsec to cover his tracks. I don't think Ken is dumb enough to fall for something like that in the first place, but even if she was, I don't think an orbiter would spend 5+ years curating their social media every day for a chance to get Ken's attention.