Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 12:00 No.106203 del
>I don't think Ken is dumb enough to fall for something like that in the first place, but even if she was, I don't think an orbiter would spend 5+ years curating their social media every day for a chance to get Ken's attention.
I really wouldn't put it past this guy. I mean, clearly, he's psychotic, I think we've established that. Plus we know there are people who have spent years imitating her, even seemingly without any benefit. Also, Ken HAS fallen for something like this in the past — Andrei faked an entire persona to get close to her, and she had no clue. To be honest, I think she needs to distance herself from this Jae guy, if he would do something as insane as this there's no telling what else he's capable of.