Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:10 No.113046 del
Not everyone wants to date some gold digger angel anon. Yes money is important but it's like a baseline. Just making six figures is basically just passing tutorial mode with some women while others don't give a shit and will marry their broke highschool sweetheart.

It's case by case, but the only constant is that they are irrational emotional creatures obsessed with appearance so if their friends date broke guys they will, if they live in the city then you better make a lot of money. Etc etc

Age plays a role too. Ironically I've noticed career bitch roasty women sometimes get higher and more retarded standards the older they get and the more men they've slept with which is gross and ironic because biologically their value is going down. I guess it's a feminist cope but if women had floating price tags over their heads dictated by the subconscious value men have for them a teenage virgin would be worth $500,000+ and the tattoo having 29 year old roasty would get a massive ego check when she looks up and sees $150

Sad but true, feminism is the cause of 99% of our cultural problems today, simply because it is unnatural and disordered and requires everyone else to go along and play pretend to maintain the cope of a bunch of cat ladies who will have a mental breakdown if confronted with reality. We are literally destroying society so that a handful of idiots can play pretend.