>>119359It's true. My personality is like 30% reptiles and insects, 40% trolling, 80% vindictiveness, 15% violent retardation.
Also, I just missed trolling in her threads probably mroe than I actually missed her, and unlike her, I just couldn't move on from you toxic cocksuckers <3
No, my presence here isn't revenge though. I just got bored and was like "fugg it".
>>119375nauseating, truly. There's a reality out there where she didn't get molested at (idk if that is common knowledge) and was actually a functional human being with personality outside of manipulatioon and wanting to get squished by the bellies of big ol' fat guise.
>>119439Well, I did see a lot of myself in her, that one part of that one post was spot on.
That fact alone I can tell you that if she doesn't get bianca'd or something that by the time she hits 25 she'll just be completely broken and unapproachable and it w- I made myself sad thinking about her shitty life again.
(Sad umpf)
>>119485I fucking love Puka conspiracy theories,
She's a fed, she's an adult, her dad molested her, she actually a CCP agent but most anons mistake that for being a CP agent because autism, Puka is actually an alien(As in the flying saucer kind, not the fence climbing kind) sauce: Look at that face.
>>119516It's not the case for better or worse, she was staying with her dad when were buds. I get the impression he was kind of an absentee parent, but I don't get the impression he graped her int he mouth.
I wouldn't be shocked if her behavior was an aggravating factor in the divorce though.
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