Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 18:07 No.120181 del
Despite the fact that it's obvious you're just me and the person who responded to me is me as well, I'll point this little bit out.

The guy who was grooming Puka went by the namefag Nurse and on 4chans /s4s/ board, he was some French faggot who would always post his email was a total sexpest. Would tell Puka when he masturbated as "joke" and yeah, that kind of triggered an aggressive reponse from me you know the rest by now or just "don't care"
I'd give you his Doxx but that's bannable so I'll just say this screenshot is me responding to to him after i got his Doxx. they're on Doxxbin, good Hunting.
NTA buhhttt.... You are legitimately schizophrenic. You insist I've been talking to myself this entire time, you insist that all of your detractors are a single woman, presumably Vore, and you think that nobody could possibly take issue with a bunch of grown men circle jerking over a seriously mentally ill girl that is ruining her own mental state well encouraging pedrophiles and doing other heinous things.

You say you my cadence is recognizable, and that is by choice. your cadence is recognizable by your own cogitative limitation.