Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 11:52 No.120865 del
I see. It doesn't seem like she has any self awareness or shame about it, so I can't see her wanting help until she actually gets old enough for everyone to turn on her and call her a hāg like she's done to so many other girls. Her fate of misery will be well deserved which is the saddest part. Its a shame her parents are just as retarded as she is, otherwise maybe she could have a chance at getting better. Instead she selfposts here and spends all her time shlicking to ugly niggers on discord and playing video games kek.
>groomed by a guy who went by weezer
Is that why she constantly talks about the shitty band of the same name? Is everything about her just shit to try to impress fat men? Lmao