12/19/2024 (Thu) 06:58
>>122425yeah, the Cewl crusades were pretty kino. We all had our fun, Cewl may or may not have been slightly traumatized(her own fault lol) and we all learned our lesson(not really).
Fuck the haters, they're not gonna do shit other than ree, cope, seethe, and say "I don't know who you are. Fuck off you nobody" despite the fact that just seeing those 4 little letters that represent my presence causes their blood pressure to spike to unsafe levels.
Glad you're doing good man. You seem alright, I hope you have a very black Christmas <3
>>122457kek. I thought about just going full on confrontational about that bit of lore like a redneck on jerry Springer but decided against it lmao. I think the way I approached it achieved enough lulz. The fucked up thing is even after the accusations and all that bullshit i went through cause of her I still feel kind of ad for her.
What can i say? i'm a big softy lul.
>>122521>LatelyThis place has always been terrible lol
>>122590I am the cyber police nigga. Now shut yo mouff fore i show you the meaning of police brutality >:-(
>>122617Yeah... me too on some level.
Hope that little shit gets her life together at some point.