Doom(moar drunk than before)
12/19/2024 (Thu) 09:17
>>122627That's good. She's a sweet kid and despite all of the bullshit i saw potential in her to do something with her life(not much, but something). Shitposts aside I really do wish her the best, no mater what.
>>122629No. I told her about my friendship with puka at the end of things being good between us. truth be told I think i wanted to push her away because she was getting on some serious mommy shit with me which just... No. I'll be fatherly, it's in my nature but I don't do that mommy shit. Cewl was cruisin for a bruisin and tbh, her throwing my old besty(yes pook was my besty for a bit) in my face was all the justification I needed to gaslight and abuse her as much as I did. Cewl learned that if you talk shit you will get hit. I am an equal opportunity offender.
I think on some level I wanted it thrown in my face. I won't lie, I regret my friendship with Puka. I really tried to be a good influence on her and I fucked that up pretty royally.
I tell myself i always tried to do the right thing but at the end of the day I was still just the destructive malicious asshole that I always am. I wanted to see her get away from her lifestyle but at the end of the day that was my own self righteousness and I think I knew I was unable to do a God damn thing.
part of me just wishes I could hit Puka up and we could just be buddies again... But I know better.
Shits fucked, there was a lesson learned, and both of our hearts were hardened that much more from the overall experience.
tiddysprinkles. Anywway, here's a screenshot of something I said that resonates ith me. It feels true. Know me better, or don't. It don't matter.