Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 22:07 No.124014 del
>completely humiliating videos
At least you have this last remaining bit of self awareness, but you like it.

>but i made them for him bc i like him a lot
That sure is different from your previous "I am scared of him".

>he didnt mean for them to get posted
That is objectively impossible.
Either you or he is lying. Likely both.

>you won im embarrassed and hurt, congratulations. i hope you feel fulfilled now.
I didn't win shit. lol
I'm neither the leaker nor somebody who hates you, my reaction was how sad those videos are. Or would it have turned you on if I was more of an asshole and made you hurt yourself for me?
You have like a dozen dicks here lal wanting to jerk off to your tight and slutty little girl body, but you just can't admit to it.