Anonymous 08/19/2022 (Fri) 15:37 No.14718 del
>You mean just like incels? Who immediately call anybody who disagrees with their fantasy stories, "roasties" and can't fathom a man not being misogynistic?
Massive strawman. They literally crated websites and forums like Blackpill Science containing data and explanations to their points.
Any time you come across an "incel", they'll be the first ones to autistically explain their points in exhaustive detail. (sound familiar?)
You know who are the people who block anyone who disagrees? It's fucking women and leftists.
It's women who instantly use the only insult they have whenever a man calls them out. Small dick, can't get women, can't make women cum, it's always the same retarded insult over and over.
But nah nah, it's much easier to just go "incel bad" and claim "victory".
>your kind
Redditor spotted. What are you gonna use, next, "ilk"?
>your kind can not be convinced of reality
The fucking irony of this coming from the white knight simp blindly defending women and attacking the evil poopy incel.
But here, I'll do you one better:
Try to debunk any "incel" talking point that isn't a strawman, and I'll show you some convincing.