Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 15:36 No.18005 del
Ideally, I'd raise my daughter to not be the type who attention whores online. And she'd be the type who'd act accordingly if she got any shit online.
Also, on this subject, I could be wrong, but IIRC Jessi got push back because she was openly provoking people online, though tbf she was like 10 at the time.
I also suspect that her parents had a hand in fucking her up mentally, which again leads me to my first point about raising my hypothetical daughter properly.
Honestly, if parents just gave a tiny shit about their kids' well being, none of this stuff would even happen. Agatha's parents are probably a bit out there mentally, too. We know her mom is for sure. (her dad doesn't attention whore online lol)