Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 01:44 No.19889 del
Yeah, the second pic is clearly someone's apartment. Anons were trying to say the pics showed a single flat but that's obviously not the case. For all we know the pictures with the rats are in a one-room shitty studio in a bad neighborhood. I doubt that's the case though, she's drawn to intelligentsia who are usually at least living "comfortably" with affluent parents. Artists are bums.

>ken had semi-publicly talked about wanting to fuck him
She never said she wanted to fuck him, and I think if she had wanted to fuck him she would have, or at least actually dated him. For at least a year she was never interested even with him begging and his friends trying to convince her to be. I honestly don't get it, her taste in men is really weird and imo doesn't actually seem correlated with money otherwise she would've actually fucked the Russian guy that Marky did. I think she values quirkiness over most things which is still superficial, but it makes for good entertainment.