Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 02:37 No.24643 del
>could stalking be eliminated if we just got these guys gfs?
No. 99.99999999999% of lonely people don't end up like this. The obsession extends far beyond tfw no gf. It has more to do with escapism and idealism. The fantasy is better than reality for these people, which is why they tend to fixate on specific girls who they've never met. It's easier to idealiz them and project onto them. So even when they say "I want a girlfriend," usually what they really want is based on a completely skewed vision, and reality would leave them disappointed and bored and disillusioned. The idea of a gf is much more comforting than actually having to talk to people, go out, buy things, get dressed, take care of yourself, maintain a job, do stressful adult things. The standard case on this board and with similar people is usually that we're dissatisfied with reality and want to escape and daydream.

Obviously I'm guilty of some of this, as someone posting here. So I'm not trying to talk down to you or anyone else. I've gotten better with some therapy though and I'm ashamed of things I've said and done in relation to this part of my life.