Anonymous 08/31/2023 (Thu) 01:47 No.29649 del
You seem to have missed his own posts where he says he was in love with her back then, and Ken's posts corraborating that. He also says she had written a detailed account of their friendship publicly and he asked her to delete it years later for his image's sake, and she did "because she's a good person."

>she admits having watched copious amount of lesbian porn?
She said she looked at it due to HOCD to make sure it didn't arouse her and she wasn't attracted to women. She definitely/probably watched porn/hentai when younger but to say her views are fake isn't needed. She's had mental breakdowns over the sex industry existing because she has friends who are involved in it. I think her friend Autumn has been a prostitute since her mid teens, which is when Ken met her and became anti porn and prostitution.