Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 16:41 No.38266 del
Look at her trying to drag back someone who actually doesn't care anymore

All the things that came from here like making this thread public and exposing/threatening her has gotten to her. She spends all her time online to convince people she is a person she is not, she is a jack of all trades but master of none and not even a master of one. she posts everything she does online to hear you guys validate her, you think she actually goes out, reads, makes worthwhile art/music, does anything professional, anything productive. If she was confident in herself she wouldn't need to keep feeding into this shitstorm that is going to bite her in the ass if she doesn't humble herself. any attention is good attention for her. Realistically she plays video games and talks to people to build her social standing most of her day, notice how she has never posted anything deeper than that? what do you even want from her? she isn't going to act out and she isn't going to post anything like photos of herself anymore, the best thing to get anything out of her is to ignore her and not feed her massive ego, use her own game against her.