Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 01:25 No.45292 del
(76.29 KB 1280x720 LsoUUGW.jpg)
>>43988 File itself was 404'd by the time you posted, as almost everything in that thread, now thumb is gone after file was banned. This was the only occurrence of this file IIRC. I mananged to remember it's name, something like this:

>>44977 This version was posted three times
Twice with this name:
Is a timestamp for 2014-01-11 09:34:13
4chan-X got it's option to
Randomize Filename
option: Replaces filenames with a random timestamp from the past year.

on 2015-08-15
Which unless I understand it incorrectly, wouldn't produce a "random" date earlier than 2014-08-15 at any day after date of this version release.

Here are my weights pro:
- Timestamp points to January 11 2014, when Marky's nudes were actively reposted on /b/ and foreign chans
- Right nipple is almost identical, areola slightly larger in diameter (not an expert on ghost nipples)

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