Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 00:37 No.46095 del
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(293.85 KB 1280x720 magic bus.jpg)
Video's garbage, very revolting style, I almost puked myself, however.
A few clips in it prompted my memory hole anxiety and I started shuffling through our archived stuff to recall (evidently I haven't bothered to watch every video and stream), until stumbling upon this Twitch clip.

Now we have answer to these >>43909 >>44253. Through patient and careful observation.

Additional trivia. The green-white Fairbanks City Transit System 142 bus is a local trail attraction.
Bus is no more since September 24 2020, it was removed by Alaska Army National Guard for "safety" after couple of women drowned in a nearby river trying to reach it lul. Museum of the North at Marky's Alma Mater, University of Alaska in Fairbanks has become it's permanent exhibit holder.