Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 04:34 No.46722 del
>so whats the deal with her mom? how did she die, did she really die?
Yes she did. Cancer.

>what was audrey's reaction to her death. did her mother's death result in audrey adopting slutter and more promiscuous behavior with males on soc or becoming less innocent and pure of heart and more mentally ill?
I think both of them are true. Whats
tragic is that ever since that happened she's done things that obviously can't be undone, but even worse has reduced her value as a person. Hate to sound like an incel but the things she's done even just sexually and obviously the way she behaves now have made me lose all the respect and affection I once had for her, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone who has ever even entertained the idea of doing some of the things she has actually done.

And no, I'm not her ex in case the schizo anon accusing everyone of being him shows up. Just somebody who was also close to her at some point who's still dumbfounded and hurt about what's been happening recently.