Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 01:41 No.49235 del
those "egirls" are more lolcows than anything. Even the threads are barely simping, they resemble kiwifarms with the amount of vitriol. Sure, the old e-girls were not in fact all super interesting and they were not good people, but they were mostly helpless girls who ended up ruined by drugs. It inspired a sort of romanticization.

Bee was an ugly, shooped selfposter who got pregnant by a pedophile only a month or two into her r9k career. Vore is a bitter mother with a husband and pedophilic tendencies, and routinely shits herself. And posts the shit. Tinker posts gross shit about drinking booty worm water. Miyoko is another shooped selfposter.

They are interesting, but not for simping. Although Cewl, Iris, Tinker, Pukara and possibly Chickn in the near future do not seem that different from egirls of old. They get attention, its just newer.