Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 23:35 No.52899 del [Embed]
(Idk how to embed but it’s okay room tour)
I don’t understand why girls feel the necessity to make themselves sound retarded and write in a kawaii desu nya child way when it completely buries their personality and makes them seem like a copy paste with no thoughts of their own. Ika writes so blandly in her posts and she seem so boring and uninteresting, if she told her stories through video (about her life and stuff) she would come across as so much more relatable and real. She sounds more interesting in this video and charismatic and like she has thoughts and a vision of the world. She isn’t faking a voice or dumbing down her writing, I don’t understand the trend of making yourself seem stupid or innocent on purpose instead of showing that you’re a fully fledged human being with a real personality.