Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 22:57 No.53455 del
Iris anons don't like you because you
>refuse to meet up with r9k users and date them
I believe if you dated chad marco you would get more popular
>refuse to post nudes
If we are never going to date you but you want our attention why not showing us erotic pics for masturbation? Help anons out
>you lack drama and lore
you never have interesting things going on with you man all you do is crying on r9k all day and game streams

Either date chadmarco or any other man you like and post selfies with him , either post nudes and become a camwhore or make drama on r9k to go viral.
The train of being fawned over for existing has sailed for you iris anons got fed up. You have to give r9k and agatha2 something fun in return, hope it helps.