Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 23:19 No.63581 del
none of these egirls are gonna be your friend you dumb autistic retard, you are so autistic and naive it's actually painful. iris lurks your thread as do all the other egirls and they all make fun of you, sometimes they make anon posts mocking you, obviously they are not here to make friends but to get attention because they are egirls. i don't understand how you're gonna survive life in the real world cause you genuinely seem to think everyone has good intent and can't understand the context of iris ignoring you for a year straight and still seem to think in your head that she might be your friend.
yes this is true this is a very small community and even the "big" egirls like marky and ciara don't have more than 10 posters in their threads max and aren't known by anyone outside of this community, this is obviously a very small niche imageboard and only the most schizo nerds would know about this place let alone post here, normal people don't use imageboards, so i never understood why any girls wanted to be known in this place even going as far making their own threads and shit there is no fame to be made here.