Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 18:33 No.64310 del
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>the therapy thing i feel so bad for because i am so lucky i was diagnosed as a child and could talk to professionals about things i didnt understand about myself. it is impossible to know the person within you, your ego and your own lol reference guys?

It makes a lot of sense when you put it this way. I recently reconnected with an old friend on the other side of the country who I met because she asked for help struggling with depression after a bad break-up. It's impressive how quickly you bond again even after, you know, life brings you in different directions... We talk often now and I could open up on some of my anxiety issues and she is really insisting now, as she cares for me, she is really encouraging me to go to therapy, as it was the money best spent for her and some other common friends (she didn't need to tell me this but she wanted to make the point that there is nothing to be ashamed of, even people who seem from all external points of view like they have everything sorted out benefit from therapy). So yeah, I was talking about me with those "men won't go to therapy". Well, in my case there is also something more (nothing special, I guess it's very common as well), I feel like I would struggle really opening up with a complete stranger and trusting them. Still I know rationally that they are professional and it's their job, and my friend also told me that it's better they are stranger as they can't use anything against you, and it makes sense.

>and like i said those things about how a men should be or think or behave are booooogusssss rhey just want you to work work work wotk work work work until u die so dont listen to fucking rich people like cmon just do the thing that you rationally believe is the best for you. (im not saying feel because i felt it was fucking heroin)

this hits close, I think I improved A LOT there but there is still space to be more spontaneous, more free (:D), more me

>whenever im explaining something irl they either speak over me or just start lookin at they phon 😐 so ty i can talk abt anything yey

they don't know what they are losing, when I see you write or answer that makes my day!

>noo the one on the right was a style practice like it isn't my art i just reproduced it

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