Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 08:49 No.65925 del
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Take this fucking donut situation for example. I've seen this happen so many times.
1. Women (purposefully) missing the point and acting like the issue is whether the donuts were cut or bitten, when the actual issue is them EATING SOMEONE ELSE'S FOOD.
2. Any variation of the phrase "Well at least she didn't X" or "You're lucky she just X". Always making excuses for women, absolutely refusing to hold them accountable.
3. The insane fucking rationalizations that eating a tiny bit of donut makes it so the calories "don't count". ESPECIALLY when these retards are so fucking stupid that they'll eat more than a full donut's worth of small bits. Again, women will do all sorts of shit, as long as they don't feel bad about it. Utterly amoral.
4. Any kind of weight related rationalizations piss me off, really. "Oh no no, if I just eat a tiny bit of it I'm still dieting hehehe. Ooh maybe another bit hehehe." FUCK YOU. Skip on the donut if you wanna diet so badly. AND, these same women will give you shit if you just pick up an entire donut. Like you're a fatass just because you didn't do this whole song and dance about convincing yourself it's fine to eat a donut.
5. This woman mentality of trying out multiple flavors instead of just picking one and sticking with it. Women's pair bonding is so fucked up that they CANNOT EVEN COMMIT TO A FUCKING DONUT. No wonder they jump from dick to dick and divorce their husbands so often. What the FUCK do you mean "get bored of one donut"??? Is your attention span so short that you can't even eat a full donut before needing more stimulation???
The feminization of the workplace has been a horrible decision. It's like they're so narcissistic and solipsistic that they just get the good feeling of eating all the donuts, so they assume it's a good arrangement for everyone else.
I fucking hate when women do this. They'll eat like pigs, but as long as they can convince themselves that they're dieting, then it's all 100% fine in their heads. "Hehe I'm watching my weight haha." Fuck you.
6. You know it's all women doing this shit, too, cause a man would get his ass beaten for doing it.
7. All the women encouraging this shit, calling it "considerate" when in reality it's the exact opposite. They're so arrogant and condescending about it, too. "I don't see the problem". Further proof that they have ZERO empathy for others.
8. I've noticed this mentality with women where they prefer all sorts of stimulations instead of just picking one thing and being happy with it. Like when they want to try out a ton of new restaurants instead of going to the few that they know are good. It's like they CRAVE negativity.