Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:53 No.66090 del
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I was thinking about it, but then I concluded that the women obsessing over this topic are either severely mentally ill with some kind of trauma regarding men, or they're individuals whose pussy gets literally wet over feeling like a victim. (Different type of mental illness lol). So it's not worth getting mad about.
Separately from this, I could understand a woman being wronged by a man and from then on being innocently wary of them, but a woman going out of her way to spread misandry is going too far. I cannot accept that.
Another point is the people who are willfully ignorant or genuinely too stupid to understand statistics, and it's another "per capita" situation again.
Honorable mentions go to women going "Anyone who disagrees with me is abusive." and "Teach men not to rape.", as well as women hating it when you flip the script and bring up things like infanticide statistics (Women cannot handle their own medicine).
Finally, I've noticed that there is a similar mentality here to how women attack those who are on their side and trying to protect them, and chase after those who want to harm them. Like abusive bfs vs the people telling her he's abusive. Or here, the man vs the bear.
At the end of the day, it's just more ragebait gender war anti-men propaganda bullshit.