Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 00:44 No.67041 del
(4.72 MB 320x240 09.webm)
(3.65 MB 854x480 Muffy_is_the_cure.mp4)
To the fagget that tried to threaten me, I really don't give a shit
See you don't understand who the fuck you're actually messing around with alright
You think you're big and fucking hard huh just like a big fat cock swinging between the legs of a horse you're about to suck off
But listen the fact that you're such a fag that you deleted your shit right after saying what you did means you know you ain't got the ball of a fucking man

I've gone many years without having to deal with you little fruitcakes screwing around and I don't intend to deal with it now, but you crossed my shit line and I will not accept your cowardice
So you either come at me right now or forever shut the fuck up
Cuz in all honesty you don't know shit
Good for you for knowing the oldfags of the OG board, you tell me that you used to be from back in 2018, that's pretty sad just like everyone from back then
I had my fun but it obvious that you're a real tryhard on these e-whores, so where I'd give you a little something from the almighty himself
If you're in and around anywhere fro the old Soviet bloc why don't you go join some volunteer battalion and get your fucking balls blown off by a Ukrainian drone strike, I wanna see you wallow in the shitty draws you've recently shat in as you curse my name and the Ukrainian people for you lack of sense
Or if you're some just some fairy little bitch fluttering his little wings around the states or something you can fluttery your way on down to buttfuck mexico and have the skin of your face peeled off inch by inch alright
Nobody every fucking threatens me you son of bitch, you ain't got shit on me or you'd have used it by now, I know for a fact you've found yourself surround by now from your own little fagget buddies asking oh hey buddy boy some guy named whom ever has been asking about you
I bet you shat yourself, that's why you're running scared
As I used to say to many people I used to speak to, I have my integrity, everything that was said between us is ours alone, and I still give that to you even if you're a flaming nipple clamp loving fagget
But don't you ever step to me you son of bitch huh, calling be out with half ass info, come on post it right now, post your bullshit see where it gets ya

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