Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 04:05 No.68148 del
Half-assed it all the way through, ditched some classes, flunked tests, took extended breaks (guess what she was too busy doing during these breaks), felt like dropping out at various points, etc.

Also what I meant about her being socially braindead wasn't a dig at her non existent autism, she's not a social retard in the way an actual autist, mentally impaired person or a shy person is. She very much does know how to socialize, but she's braindead in her choices and how she applies her self-inflated ego+intellect. As I mentioned before, why do you think this allegedly smart individual who was put in advanced classes in high school and got admitted into a STEM major in a semi-decent university ends up going to fucking /soc/, discord and telegram groups to meet guys and give rimjobs, do drugs with and take it up every single hole with multiple men she's "socialized" with?